Friday, April 30, 2010

"Disgarding the Scriptures"

Today readers I will like for God, to teach us all here about those who disgard the scripters,but still worship him with faith? Do they act from God, or the Devil,or self-will? this is what we are dealing with today readers you may not think that this is important believe me this is something that the churches, and the world it self is guilty of just plan old " SELFISH" trying to worship God, without reading and studying { 2Tim 2:15} about God ways, and his Laws that we cannot live-up too people why? is the "BAR" set to high people, or are you just plan flap out comfortable with the "LOW Road" of faith, and money, and things people that God, call Molten Images, and Idols, because of this {James 2:17-20} now people do you not know that the devil, will bless you also with all kinds of worldly gifts and than you, and I will turn right around and you along with me, will also said quickly that God has Blessed me, now was it really God, or the lesser god, that offered Jesus in { Matt 4:1-11}these same worldly gifts people. Readers you should really want to know who; it is that is ministering to you, and who it is that is still blessing you with your worldly gifts. Because God looks at the "Hearts of his Images" not how much of this "WORLDLY" stuff we have, or don't have that will rust, or rotting away, or just die away. God is not about that; he is a Spirit people are you Devoted to the Spirit of God. Or are you worshipping that spirit of things; that you think it is "God" that has giving them to you because of your faith. Well its ok today to say, who do he think he is well the Scriptures will show you God, and how he really feels about this blog people. God is still living right here with us right now he is inside of my hands writting to you who are "SOUL" sreaching for the TRUTH. So if you are just living by faith along you are in trouble today. Because all you are working for is "THINGS" see because if your are working for God you will do what {Isa 28:10-13/ Ps 119:15-173} see readers you cannot "MEDIATE" ON ANYTHING THAT YOU "disgard" because of your great faith that is dead, if you don't "STUDY" to see who is "MINISTERING" unto you all. May God; fall down on you right now who read this blog, with mighty"COMPELLING" power that will cause you to line the word of up and study it to show the devil that you know who God is. Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, readers I come to you in the name of God, from the Messeneger.


  1. Readers it was a time in my life that I disgarded the Word of God totally, but I didn't forget to clock in for work, or the beer store or the dope house O'yes people why because I was "DEVOTED" people can we get HONEST here this is a "LIFE or DEAD" call for you, who just think your faith is strong and your DEVOTION is dead. Who is "MINISTERING" unto you and they dont have you "MEDITATING" on God, for more than a second like I was people while I was Chasing things.
