Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Man has No where to lay his head

People tonite before I give my eye's a rest the spirit came into me and told me to plant this seed to let man know that he has wasted the money that was mean for the poor but John F.Kenney want to be the first to the moon so what good did it do America why they burn up the money sending the SPACESHIP MONSTER into outer spaces Matthews 16:3 people this simply means that the Sun is getting nearer to the earth and it is getting "HOTTER" because this "FIRE MONSTER" has eaten a GIANT HOLE IN THE SKY PEOPLE. that will make the sky redder and redder and you NASAU did this "EVIL" with your INVENTION THE FIRESHIP that EAT'S -UP the MONEY AND THE SKY AT THE SAME TIME WHY THE POOR STAY POOR. Now the second "MONSTER is WAR" because of the Invention of THE WAR MONSTER who eat's -up bhllions that turns into Trillions and than Zillions why the Poor keep getting POORER now here is your witness people in Matthews 8:20 so Oppresser is this why you are looking for a places to live. Now I am going to show you that you cannot "HIDE or RUN" because of you WASTED of our MONEY BURNING UP THE SKY THIS IS FOOLISH TO GOD PEOPLE.READ THE WITNESS'S Isa 2:1-22 here we are people of today so this is my job to see if I can get you to do this in Isa 42:6-25 I will not stop until all of God children EYE'S are OPEN YOU DEVIL'S YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE. from the

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