Thursday, April 1, 2010

Coming out of a Spiritual Stall

Readers today I want to share a little lesson with you all and maybe you can relate to this if not then thank God. This lesson was giving to me by God, so I could see where Satan had placed me in without me even knowning what I was living inside of spiritually with them demons talking to me about this and that, so here is a little tast of Meat to eat on or think about. Today as I begin this book that I have been lead to write about my time spent in different types of spiritual stalls that I allow Satan and his demons to place me in. Because I was not aware of what had happen to me because, I had nothing to figth with simply because no one had ever tried to teach me anything about how Satan could places me and keep me locked there for the rest of my life here on earth in real hell. I couldn't see right because over 40 years of my life or more, that I've lived my life in one or more of Satan stalls.But I am here today to tell you that God say's in {John 17:6} sheep will you pay attention to the word Manifested it means; to a showing of ones self right in front of you making it plain and clear to you his word, and then the Holy Ghost will give you the Evidents you need to display the Proof of the word of God, people this is his spirit, and this is what it takes to fight in this evil time, is the Spirit of God. That is fighting for you sheep and God will give you the same gifts he gave me, and that is his might and powers and the ability to see them devils coming so you can breakdown the doors to any stalls that the devil try's to placed you or someone who you may know in a stall, if you would give them this book and watch and see if you or them read this powerful little lesson.The stall doors will open for you, and them as it has opened for me by God might and power Amen. Now I am going to look at the word stall in the dictionary it says this about stall= a compartment in a stable or shed for the accommodation of ones animal. And you can believe this to be a fact that the devil and his demons and his earthly followers look at you and I as animals. Second definition of stall is a booth or stand in which the merchandise is on display for sale to who? The demons and they have to buy us from the devil so they can spiritually occupy our minds and Hearts inside of us and try to keep us in a spiritual stall with them waiting on the eternal death. Waiting for the evil butcher to take our soul from God, now people was Jesus Christ born in a manger or a stall think about this, from The Messeneger. May God bless you all that believe in Jesus Christ our lord and our savior.

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