Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Yahoo!

Today as I sit here thinking about the news that i heard this morining about our great city worker's who day's has been cut to, 2 days a week, people because they are crying "BROKE" inside of one of the Largest Cities in the United State it is Los Anegeles, Ca. People where is the "MONEY" for our cities in America, I can rememeber when bush and his followers first started this War with these people, their leaders said that this "WAR "would hit the United States where it would really "HURT the WORST" inside of our "POCKETS" it is call a ECONOMOY DEPRESSION, that came with this "MONSTER" call "WAR" this is "EATING -UP " the money from the poor inside of America because the War Monster just keep and " TAKING MORE, AND MORE FROM THE ONES WHO NEED"S IT HERE INSIDE OF OUR ON COUNTRY . See what need's to be KILLED is the "WAR MONSTER,WHO IS KILLING THIS COUNTRY. Just look at how Poor our people are becoming because they cannot get work; why all of the MONEY is going into OUTER-SPACES and these FOOLISH WAR"S these TWO things are MONEY MONSTER'S they both EAT UP BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF OUR DOLLORS AND THAT ADDS UP TO TRILLIONS AND TRILLONS; SO MY QUESTION IS WHY DO WE HAVE POOR PEOPLE AND HOMELESS PEOPLE. IS OUTER SPACE AND WARS, MORE IMPORTANT. SOMEONE WILL HAVE TO ANSWER AND IT WILL BE MAN, BECAUSE OF THESE IVENTIONS SPACES-SHIPS, AND YOUR WAR INVENTIONS, WHY YOU LET THE POOR SUFFER, THIS IS ONE WAR THAT AMERICA NEED'S TO COME OUT OF NOW; BEFORE IT START TO HIT OUR STREETS; AND OUR PEOPLE ARE NOT ONES WHO BOMB THEMSELVES UP SO WHO AND WHAT IS EATING UP THE MONEY THAT HAVE CAUSE THIS COUNTRY TO COME INTO THESE CONDITIONS.PEOPLE THESE TWO MONSTER MUST DIE; IN ORDER FOR AMERICA TO BE ON TOP AGAIN, SO HOW LONG WILL WE SUFFER BECAUSE OF OTHERS COUNTRIES WHO HATES US AND WANTS US POOR AND BEGGING; PEOPLE THESE MONSTER'S MUST DIE. FROM THE MESSENEGER.www.jimsmiththetruemessengerofgod.com

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