Thursday, April 29, 2010

Do You Have A Stiff Neck" { Det 31:27/Ex 32:9}

Today readers I am dealing within a lesson that I will share with you, and hopefully you will take a good look at your "NECK" this word we all know that this means to whole, the head of something or somebody to keep it from falling off. Today we will begin with Verse 27 so we can look at how the people of the "CHURCH" of those day's of old people, as we all know, that time only repeats it self so it looks like we as a "Generation" when "BACKWARES" somewhere we all have went the wrong way so lets see what brother Isaiah has to said about this word backwares {Isa 44:25} can you be honest and tell me is the world and a state of "CONFUSION" because we have men marry men. O" yes women are doing very same thing see this is what we call knowing "RIGHT from WRONG" and this one is for real who is "GOD, and JESUS CHRIST or HIS COMING" { Jer 7:24/ 15:6-7} now we can get real honest will ourself are we not living our lives just like this backwares, but just with "COMPUTERS" thats all everything else is still the same as "SODOM" in the fields of "GORROMAH" { Gen 13:10, 18:1-33, 19:1-38} now you tell that we have not falling "BACKWARES" just because we have bright lights and computers, cars and houses, and other things but we are still living inside of that same "SPIRIT" today people nothing has really change has it; but the "INVENTIONS" the spirit is still the same as "SODOM and GORROMAH" people had "TATOOS" all over their bodies and earrings hanging down from their bodies also, see inside of the Bible, it talks about writting on the body it is ungodly to "MARK" your "TEMPLE" that is made in the "IMAGE of GOD" see everything God say's for man not do the Devil says its ok to do it any ways, no matter what the word of God, says people now look in { Det 9:6} now after you read this. I would like to ask you to go into { Det 29:1-29} now I will ask of you again to go in { Matt 10:15, 11:23-24} now people what nation of people do you think Jesus is talking to its this world of today you and I. now readers I will end with these two books of the bible you can read them for yourself because they will tell you truth if your "NECK is not to STIFF" to turn the pages and see the Truth. now inside of {Jude 7} hope you can see the truth here in {Rev 11:8} see people I say to you all "Early its the same Spirit" that lives inside of this spiritual city that is evil and now this thing has spreaded all over the World, from "ROME" nows you all know where the "VINE of SODOM still lives inside of the CATHOLIC CHURCH THE MOTHER HARLOT. I said that "I work for God" not man and "I stand Bold inside of God's Holy Word" From the

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